Batwheels Wiki
" Riddle me this! "
Quizz, on multiple occasions

Quizz is one of the main antagonists in Batwheels. He is the Riddler's helicopter, and a member of The Legion of Zoom. He is Batwing's archenemy.


Quizz is a helicopter with green-purple color and has a question mark in both side doors. His pixelated face is mostly colored yellow and seems to have missing tooth.

In "The Wizard of Bats", as a Wicked Flying Zoomer, Quizz has the blue and red Flying Monkey color pallet.


Like his owner, Quizz loves to befuddle The Batwheels with riddles and claims himself to be smart, but unlike the Riddler’s, his riddles don’t always make sense. As the youngest of the Zooms, Quizz is prone to throwing tantrums, especially when no one can figure out his riddles, even when they’re “sooooooo obvious!”. Despite his claims, he doesn't seem to know every riddle as he has trouble figuring out Redbird's riddle.



  • Hook: A hook line that Quizz can lower down to hook onto things he would carry.
  • Stun Lights: Quizz can unfold stun lights that shine a very bright flash that can blind people's eyes.
  • Question Mark Gyros: Quizz can dispense out many question marks gyros as he wants.
  • Drones: Quizz can take out drones to annoy his opponents.


Season 1[]

In "Secret Origin of the Batwheels", Quizz and the other villain vehicles were brought to life by the Bat-motherboard chips that Crash inserted into them, his first movement was to knock Crash over with his propeller and laugh at him. Quizz was the first to verbally express dislike for the team's name given by Badcomputer, "The Legion of Zoom" and suggested they should be called "Quizz's Whizzes" to which the others don't agree, causing them to get into an argument, that's until they discover there's a spy and they receive orders to find it.

Facing The Batwheels, he easily defeated Bibi by carrying her to a ferris wheel while saying "what do you call a motorcycle, stuck on top of a ferris wheel? A doom with a view!" and laughs it off. On the second round, Quizz chases after Batwing as she dares that he couldn’t fly through the ferris wheel. Quizz was determined and do it, only to be fooled and he smack into the ferris wheel. He ends up defeated.

In "Riddle Me This", Quizz steals a satellite dish for his big plan. When The Batwheels chase after him, he blinds them, causing them to fall on some wires, mocking them by calling them "crash test dummies" and laughing at them. When asked what he's up to with the satellite dish, he tells them he needs it to make fools out of the Gothamites just to prove himself the smartest of them all. Quizz offers The Batwheels a game of riddles to find and stop him, he gives them the following riddle: "follow the questions and you'll have a wild chase, but checking the time is how you win this race" then flew off.

Quizz had set up a device called "Mega Time Twister 3000" (which connects to the satellite dish), on the Gotham Clock Tower. He then uses it to mess with all the clocks, causing chaos. Later, while Quizz is bragging about how smart he is, Redbird calls to him and challenges him with a riddle, "what’s the only word that’s wrong every time you say it?".

At first, Quizz is certain about the riddle being simple, but then questions why someone would say a word wrong every time and slowly gets upset. When Redbird says 'wrong', Quizz angrily eyes him, exclaiming that he knows every riddles. When the answer is actually the word 'wrong', Quizz accuses that it was a trick, Redbird denies but there's indeed a real trick and calls Batwing, who nabs the satellite dish. Quizz chases after it but gets caught in The Batwheels' ropes. He throws a tantrum and whines about his defeat.

In "Zoomsday", Quizz participates in a bank heist with his team. When the Zoomers ponder about why The Batwheels keep beating them, Quizz says they aren’t smarter than him. Ducky rebuffs this by saying that they solve every riddle Quizz gives them, to which Quizz says that his previous riddles were easy ones.

In "Batty Race", Quizz competes against Batwing. He tries to befuddle her with a riddle, but it didn’t work. Quizz shot a sticky green slime at Batwing, causing her to be unable to continue in the race. Later, when Bam catches up, Quizz and Jestah try to hit him, but both hit each other instead and get hung up on a lamppost, tangled in their own ropes.

In "Mechanic Panic", Quizz participates in the Zoom-athalon and is the first competitor. He barely makes it two feet from the starting line when he gets his rotors caught on a red foam finger.

In "To the Batmobile!", Quizz, along with The Zoomers, discharge The Batwheels. When A.D.A.M. attacked, he distracts him and laughs when his wheel got frozen.

In "Batty Body Swap", Quizz and The Zoomers on their way to shut down the Batcave with the Rumble Ray. Until they are interrupted by the body-switching Batwheels, and he appears confused alongside others. When the team head for battle, Red Batwing tried to stop him but fell off, they effortlessly pass the mixed up Batwheels and then reach to the Batcave where the team watches as Ducky shutting it down using the Rumble Ray.

Quizz and The Zoomers are ordered to stop The Batwheels after they are back to their original selves. Quizz easily got knocks out after Batwing spins around him and he falls under the trees. Quizz and The Zoomers head for battle again, only for Bam to sends them off flying with the Rumble Ray and they land face first on the beach.

Season 2[]

In "Bat-Light Blow-Out", Quizz and Ducky steal the Bat-Signal for their own Zoomers-Signal, the two later arguing over their preferred signal-shape, Quizz eventually dodged Batwing's net and lend the Signal to Ducky.

In "Big Rig Bam", Quizz dances with the Zoomers until Badcomputer stop them and receives orders to prevent The Batwheels from reaching Star City with the Batcomputer. Quizz only chases after The Batwheels and alongside with them blocking the path. Quizz, along with Ducky come after Bam after he knocks Prank out, only for both of them to get defeated and falling off course.

In "The Ulti-Bat Rises",

In "The Gotham Guardians", Quizz and The Zoomers trapped The Batwheels in the Batcave thanks to the force field flinger stolen from Star Labs. Later on, his team encounter Bam and other good guys, Quizz release drones to chase after Goldie and escape. His team is defeated in the second encounter.



See Also[]

Characters in Batwheels
The Batwheels
Bam Redbird Bibi Batwing Buff
The Legion of Zoom
Jestah Prank Snowy Ducky Quizz Crash Badcomputer
The Gotham Guardians
Grundy Kitty Goldie Nightbike
Batman Robin Batgirl Batcomputer M.O.E.
Joker Harley Quinn Mr. Freeze Penguin Riddler Poison Ivy Toyman Catwoman Clayface Condiment King Egghead King Tut Music Meister
