Batwheels Wiki

"Holidays on Ice" is the 17th and a Christmas Special episode of Batwheels, Season 1.


It's the Christmas holidays and The Batwheels are gathering up their gifts, Redbird asks M.O.E. when is Batman going to prepare for the holidays. MOE's not sure if Batman knows about the holiday since Batman's busy working on secret missions. The gang is very excited about their first ever holiday and wants to celebrate by doing everything!

Batman is going out for special assignment and MOE lends him the case of the costume suit, Batman notices the gifts. MOE told him it's the holiday and suggest decorating the Batcave to which Batman approves before heading out.

The scene show The Batwheels decorate the Batcave; filling with merriment and carols sing-y.
Just right everything is finish, Batwing came back from her patrol, assuring the outside its safety... but not the cave as she got tangled by the lights. Batwing asks about these decorations setup, which the latter remind her that is the holiday; their very first ever!
To Batwing dismay, she thinks they are distracting their crimes-fighting missions - though no crimes are currently happening. The Batwheels tells her to join them, showcasing all the fun stuff to do - even with all that, Batwing suggest to scans for crimes instead.
Right on time when Batcomputer alert that Mr. Freeze is attempting to destroy the giant Christmas tree, The Batwheels goes to save the tree.

Upon that, an unhappy Mr. Freeze process to shoot the freeze ray at the tree as is going to fall and drive away. The Batwheels try to save the tree, but when it's almost going to fall on them, they resort to Batwing for help. Meanwhile Batwing coming after Mr. Freeze, until the team need helps, she came back.

After successfully save the tree, the team celebrate but Batwing anger at them [blank]

The Batwheels continue to sing and still doing so while arriving back to the Batcave. Batwing stops them there, stating that they're entering the "Batwing Cave", her part of the Batcave that no one allowed to go across and do whatever she wants to focus on fight crimes. The Batwheels then start playing on "the other side of the Batcave" so they won't bother her, though Batwing does think these are fun but still hold the urge.

Featured Characters[]

Main Characters[]

The Batwheels[]

Supporting Characters[]



Other Characters[]


  • Gotham City
    • Batcave
    • Gotham Central Square
      • Gotham Plaza


  • This is the first ever Holiday Special episode.
    • The intro and end credit of this episode are Christmas themed.
  • In the original script, Snowy would activate after Mr. Freeze got arrested and he (Snowy) apologize to The Batwheels for ruining the holiday. Knowing that it wasn’t Snowy's fault, The Batwheels forgive him and invite Snowy to their Christmas party, which Snowy happily accept.
    • This was scrapped because it wouldn't make sense to the timeline, since at the part with The Batwheels receiving gifts, Buff receives snow-tires.