"Cave Sweet Cave" is the 10th episode of Batwheels, Season 1.
Featured Characters[]
The Batwheels[]
Other Characters[]
- Joker (mentioned - images)
- Aquaman (mentioned)
- Gotham City
- Batcave
- Wayne Manor
- Wayne Industries Parking Garage
- Gotham Docks
- Gotham Harbor
- Gotham Amusement Mile
- The episode's title is referred to "Home Sweet Home".
- Batman breaks the fourth wall when he said: "up up and away" and looks to front, saying that "I know, not my line".
- This referring that the quote has been says many times by other characters.
- When Batman was looking to see who was driving Joker's van, he noticed a red light on the steering wheel had just flashed, which means the van was in automatic mode and Batman didn't know it.
- Since Batman acknowledges that there is an unknown villain controlling the vehicles of the villains of Gotham City, he wonders who this villain is and what they want to achieve. That will be a story for another day. ;)